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Susan ConnorSusan Connor 

Field Integrity Exception error

I am getting the following error when trying to use a multiple attachment upload controller. Any ideas? Am I missing some obvious place where I need to be referring to the Parent ID? The Parent is the custom object Notes__c (objct ID 01IF0000001xT2j)

Thank you in advance! Finally stepping away at 4 in the morning before I hurt myself or someone else ... :)

 User-added image

Here is my controller:
 * Controller for multi attachment component
public with sharing class MultiAttachmentController 

    public MultiAttachmentController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {


    // the parent object it
    public Id sobjId {get; set;}
    // list of existing attachments - populated on demand
    public List<Attachment> attachments;
    // list of new attachments to add
    public List<Attachment> newAttachments {get; set;}
    // the number of new attachments to add to the list when the user clicks 'Add More'
    public static final Integer NUM_ATTACHMENTS_TO_ADD=5;

    // constructor
    public MultiAttachmentController()
        // instantiate the list with a single attachment
        newAttachments=new List<Attachment>{new Attachment()};
    // retrieve the existing attachments
    public List<Attachment> getAttachments()
        // only execute the SOQL if the list hasn't been initialised
        if (null==attachments)
            attachments=[select Id, ParentId, Name, Description from Attachment where parentId='01IF0000001xT2j'];
        return attachments;

    // Add more attachments action method
    public void addMore()
        // append NUM_ATTACHMENTS_TO_ADD to the new attachments list
        for (Integer idx=0; idx<NUM_ATTACHMENTS_TO_ADD; idx++)
            newAttachments.add(new Attachment());
    // Save action method
    public void save()
        List<Attachment> toInsert=new List<Attachment>();
        for (Attachment newAtt : newAttachments)
            if (newAtt.Body!=null)
        insert toInsert;
        newAttachments.add(new Attachment());
        // null the list of existing attachments - this will be rebuilt when the page is refreshed
    // Action method when the user is done
    public PageReference done()
        // send the user to the detail page for the sobject
        return new PageReference('/' + sobjId);

And this is the test class:
private class MultiAttachmentController_TEST {
    private static testMethod void testController()
        Account acc=new Account(Name='Unit Test');
        insert acc;
        MultiAttachmentController controller=new MultiAttachmentController();
        System.assertEquals(0, controller.getAttachments().size());
        System.assertEquals(1, controller.newAttachments.size());
        System.assertEquals(6 , controller.newAttachments.size());
        System.assertEquals(0, controller.getAttachments().size());
        System.assertNotEquals(null, controller.done());

Hi I guess the Parent id which you provided might be the id of the object(that you picked up from the object definition page). If yes, please change that to the record id of this custom object which should fix the problem. 

Please mark this as the best answer if this helped.
Susan ConnorSusan Connor
I want the Parent ID to be the record on which the attachment should live, correct? So if I want the attachments to be on the Notes__c custom object, then I use the ID for Notes__c object as the Parent ID?

You are correct, the 01IF0000001xT2j is what I find in the URL when I go to the Create > Objects > Notes page. 

Am I pulling that ID from the wrong place? 

Big EarsBig Ears
Ah, the joys of being stuck coding at 4am.....

A couple of things you might want to look at (common errors that I make when I'm bleary eyed):
  • Can I ask why you're hard-coding the parent record id? There's a chance that this could be a mis-key, or that "Notes__c" record id has since been deleted.
  • Is the "sobjId" variable in your controller the record id? How are you passing that into the controller and could you alter your code to dynamically assign that variable to the parentId?
  • I can't find in your controller where you are populating your "NewAttachments" list with the following fields for insert: Body, Name
I don't know if this will fix your issue, but I'd want to cover those off.