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Adil Aleem
Rerendering Component's Content based on another Component
I want to change component contents(using rendered for a outpanel) based on the value of another component's input field.I am using using both the component in one VF page.
Provide me the solution so that I can rerender(ajax) the component's content based on the value of another component's input field.
Provide me the solution so that I can rerender(ajax) the component's content based on the value of another component's input field.
<c:component1 ....... /> // Component 1
<c:component2 ....... /> // Component 2
My question is I want to rerender component2 when componet1's field changes.How can I generate an event(onchange) if any part of VF component changes in VF page.
For acheiving this you need to add a flag in component 2 which help in rendering the component2.
onchange of component 1 add a flag in controller make it true then use this flag to rerender component 2.