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Cheryl BeschCheryl Besch 

On the standard Case object, I have a custom lookup field that I am trying to populate....It links to the User object and is called "Case_Coordinator__c".

I'm trying to create a trigger that populates this field if it is left blank.  It should populate with the Case Owner as a default.
Saurabh DhobleSaurabh Dhoble
Is there a specific reason you want to create a trigger ? If you need only one or two fields from the Case owner's User object, you can do so by using formula fields. For e.g., I created a formula field on the case object that would get the case owner's full name - this was the formula I used -

Owner Owner:User.Full_Name__c

Let me know if there's a specific case for a trigger here. And mark this as answer if it is, well, the answer :)
Saurabh DhobleSaurabh Dhoble
Sorry, I had an error in the formula, please use the above one.