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How to Integrate Salesforce and Skype for lead phone field

Hi all,

Please guide me integrate with Saleforce and Skype. when click Lead record phone field, call to that number from skype.
Check the following appexchange apps that can be used for integrating Salesforce with Skype:

Hi Sonam,
How will integrate with skype api in salesforce .
Chris WoodwardChris Woodward

Hi, krishna1!

Have you checked the AppExchange? I'd like to recommend Tenfold, a 3rd party CTI that integrates Salesforce with Skype for Business.

Tenfold has exactly what you're looking for, which is a click-to-call feature. Tenfold converts all phone numbers in Salesforce or in any part of your browser into clickable hyperlinks. It saves you precious time by eliminating useless clicks and misdialing of phone numbers.

Other features are automatic call logging, a screen pop (caller ID), a call analytics dashboard, and more.

To learn more about Salesforce-Skype for Business integration via Tenfold, check this link: