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Help? Simple trigger to map lead type to standard opportunity type?

Hi everyone,

I'm terrible at coding, but was hoping someone would be feeling kind enough to help me with a simple trigger that maps the value of a custom lead field to the standard opportunity "type" field on conversion. The name of the field is lead_type__c

Any help that anyone could give would really be appreciated. Thanks so much!

Here you go:

trigger trgUpdateType on Lead (before update) {
List<Lead> leads =;
Map<Id,string> oppids = new Map<Id,string>();
List<string> stropps = new List<string>();
for(Lead ld : leads)
List<Opportunity> opps = [select Type from Opportunity where Id IN: stropps];
for(Opportunity opp : opps)
  opp.Type = oppids.get(opp.Id);
update opps;