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Create a Validation to produce a question rather than a data error?
I am new to Salesforce and Apex Code but having to learn on my feet.
I have created the following validation rule:
ISCHANGED( OwnerId ) && NOT(ISNEW() ) && OR((BEGINS(BMCServiceDesk__Client_Last_Name__c ,"1")),(BEGINS(BMCServiceDesk__Client_Last_Name__c ,"2")),(BEGINS(BMCServiceDesk__Client_Last_Name__c ,"3")), (BEGINS(BMCServiceDesk__Client_Last_Name__c , "4"))) && BMCServiceDesk__Impact_ID__c = 'HIGH' && BMCServiceDesk__Urgency_ID__c = 'HIGH'
However I would like this to only produce a validation question or information reminder (FYI) to the user rather than a data error so they can continue as they were withouth making data input chnages if not required
Is there an easy way to do this?
Many thanks
Unfortunately I dont think you would be able to achieve this through Validation rule. Validation rules are meant only to stop the user from creating the records.
But there are couple of other ways to achieve this, I have listed few:
1. Create a VF page instead of Standard page, VF Page gives liberty to send warning messages.
2. Create a text field on that object and populate this warning message in that field through trigger.
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Unfortunately I dont think you would be able to achieve this through Validation rule. Validation rules are meant only to stop the user from creating the records.
But there are couple of other ways to achieve this, I have listed few:
1. Create a VF page instead of Standard page, VF Page gives liberty to send warning messages.
2. Create a text field on that object and populate this warning message in that field through trigger.
Many thanks