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Ken KoellnerKen Koellner 

Using .../ mobile URL in Firefox doesn't work

For testing the Mobile interface, I'll sometimes replace the .../home/home.jsp URL with .../one/ after logging in.

That works in Chrome and IE but in Firefox it is just hanging.  With the other browsers, my custom color background comes up, my logo zooms in, then I get the chatter page with the menu icon in the upper left and I can use the menu to get to various features.

In Firefox, I just get the background color, the logo never zooms in.  I get the menu icon and a couple other items on the feed page but nothing is clickable and I can't do anything.

Anyone know if that could be a bug in FF support?  Or maybe changing to the one/ URL is completely unsupported (unless you are actually in SF1 on IOS or Android) and it just works in a browser  by coincidence?

kevin lamkevin lam
Chrome is the only browser recommended by salesforce to access Salesforce1 with a desktop browser.
Ken KoellnerKen Koellner
"Chrome is the only browser recommended by salesforce to access Salesforce1 with a desktop browser."

Is that documented anywhere?
kevin lamkevin lam
It's in the Salesforce1 App Developer Guide, in the Salesforce1 Platform Development Process section.
Santosh SSantosh S
 As per the Salesforce1 App Developer Guide

In Chater 9 Page 68 it is mentioned that

For development purposes, the following desktop browsers are recommended:
1   Chrome on Windows
2   Chrome or Safari on Mac OS X

Hope this helps

Scott Meridew 2Scott Meridew 2
You can also try the SF1 Simulator plug-in for chrome ...