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Mike FitchMike Fitch 

How do I create an apex trigger that applies to a certain record type?

I created a trigger that works with the Opportunity object, however I need it to only work for a particular record type. I'm pretty new to apex development so I'm a beginner at best. The trigger works and I managed 75% code coverage, but it's effecting the other record types in my org and causing errors. Any help with this issue would be appreciated. Thanks

Here is my trigger:

trigger ClosedLostOtherInactive on Opportunity (before update) {
     for (Opportunity closedlost : {
         if (closedlost.StageName == 'Closed Lost')
         If ( (closedlost.Closed_Lost_Other__c == false && closedlost.Closed_Lost_Inactive__c == false)) {

             closedlost.adderror('Please select either Closed Lost - Other or Closed Lost - Inactive checkbox ');
         if (closedlost.Lost_Detail_Other_or_Inactive__c == null)
             closedlost.adderror('Lost Detail - Other or Inactive text field is required ');
         If (closedlost.Closed_Lost_Inactive__c == True) {
             closedlost.Closed_Lost_Other__c = false ;

And here is the test class:

public class TestClosedLostOtherInactive{
static testmethod void insertOpportunity() {

        Opportunity o = new Opportunity();
    o.Name = 'TestOpp';
    o.CloseDate =;
    o.StageName = 'Identifying';
    o.CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD';
    o.Closed_Lost_Inactive__c = False;
    o.Closed_Lost_Other__c = False;
    o.Lost_Detail_Other_or_Inactive__c = null;
    insert o;
      o.StageName = 'Closed Lost';
        o.Closed_Lost_Inactive__c = True;
        o.Closed_Lost_Other__c = False;
        o.Lost_Detail_Other_or_Inactive__c = 'Test';
        update o;

Best Answer chosen by Mike Fitch
Just add one additional line as suggested in bold text. Replace <recordtypeid> with the id of the record type you require. To get the record type id, logon to your salesforce org, go to setup-->standardobject-->recordtypes--> click on the record type you want the id for and copy the id from the url. 

trigger ClosedLostOtherInactive on Opportunity (before update) {
     for (Opportunity closedlost : {
         if (closedlost.StageName == 'Closed Lost')
         If ( (closedlost.Closed_Lost_Other__c == false && closedlost.Closed_Lost_Inactive__c == false)) {

             closedlost.adderror('Please select either Closed Lost - Other or Closed Lost - Inactive checkbox ');
         if (closedlost.Lost_Detail_Other_or_Inactive__c == null)
             closedlost.adderror('Lost Detail - Other or Inactive text field is required ');
         If (closedlost.Closed_Lost_Inactive__c == True) {
             closedlost.Closed_Lost_Other__c = false ;

All Answers

Just add one additional line as suggested in bold text. Replace <recordtypeid> with the id of the record type you require. To get the record type id, logon to your salesforce org, go to setup-->standardobject-->recordtypes--> click on the record type you want the id for and copy the id from the url. 

trigger ClosedLostOtherInactive on Opportunity (before update) {
     for (Opportunity closedlost : {
         if (closedlost.StageName == 'Closed Lost')
         If ( (closedlost.Closed_Lost_Other__c == false && closedlost.Closed_Lost_Inactive__c == false)) {

             closedlost.adderror('Please select either Closed Lost - Other or Closed Lost - Inactive checkbox ');
         if (closedlost.Lost_Detail_Other_or_Inactive__c == null)
             closedlost.adderror('Lost Detail - Other or Inactive text field is required ');
         If (closedlost.Closed_Lost_Inactive__c == True) {
             closedlost.Closed_Lost_Other__c = false ;
This was selected as the best answer
Mike FitchMike Fitch
That did the trick!! Thanks so much for your help.
Mike FitchMike Fitch
SOQL Queries are a little beyond my skillset. I just wanted it functional at this point. There are only two record types in my org. Do you see this being a problem in the future if I don't use your suggestion?
Mike FitchMike Fitch
I copied the recordtype id from production and it matches the id in the sandbox. I'm not understanding why they would be different. As I said earlier I am very new to apex development so please bear with me. I made the adjustments to the test class to get coverage and it passed. It appears i can move it directly to production. Why would the trigger fail?
Mike FitchMike Fitch
Ok the article explained it. I understand now. I appreciate the link and for all of your help.