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Page Redirect is not working


  I created a page redirect inside controller. Below highlited is the code to call page redirect. I am redirect the page to opporunity after data is saved. 
 Please suggest me how to modify its not working

// Store Selected Records to Object/Table
public void processSelected() {
    Integer currentPageNumber = setCon.getPageNumber();
    selectedAssets = new List<Asset>();
    list<Temp_Assets__c> TempAssetList = new list<Temp_Assets__c>(); 

    List<Asset>  TempAssetLists = (List<Asset>)setCon.getRecords();
    for(Asset assetIns : TempAssetLists  ) {

        /**********Added by Unnat*********************************/
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        Date maxDate=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        Date minDate;
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        //finds the latest expiry date out of the selected assets
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
            if(assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c > maxDate) {
        System.debug('== Latest Service end Date is:'+ maxDate);
        minDate = maxDate;
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
            if(minDate > assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c) {
        System.debug('== Least Service end Date is:'+ minDate);
        if ((selectedAssets.size() < 1 ) || (expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null )|| (expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ) || (GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ) || (GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null )|| (GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate )) {
        //Validates that atleast one of the assets is selected from the install base
        if(selectedAssets.size() < 1 ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please select atleast one Asset to renew from the Install Base.'));
        //Validates that atleast one of the Expiry Dates needs to have a value
        if(expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter the Expiry Term or Expiry Date for the selected Assets.'));
        //Valation that only of the Expirty Dates can have a value
        else if(expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'You can enter a value either in Expiry Date or Expiry Term, but not in both.'));
        //Validation that the Distributor Name is required
        if(GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Distributor'));
        //Validation that Reseller Name is required
        if(GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Reseller'));
        //Validation that atleast one Opportunity needs to have a value
        if(GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in either of the Opportunity'));
        //Validation that only one of the Opportunities can have a value
        else if(GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'You can enter a value either in Opportunity or New Opportunity, but not in both.'));
        //Validation that will check if the Expiry Date has value less than the selected Asset Service End Date
        if(GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Expiry Date that you entered is lower than Service End Date of the Asset'));
        else {
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        //Date maxDate=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        if (ExpireTerms !=null) {
        System.debug('== Expire Terms has a value');
            //There will be another condition to add the expiry term to the latest expiry date
            //String a='1 Year';
            System.debug('== ExpireTerms is: '+ ExpireTerms);
            if (ExpireTerms=='1') {
                System.debug('== First if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '3') {
            System.debug('== Second if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '5') {
            System.debug('== third if condition');
            else {
                maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;
        else {
        System.debug('== Else condition');
            maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;  
        System.debug('== Max Date is: ' + maxDate);
        Integer totalDays = minDate.daysBetween(maxDate);
        System.debug('== Total days difference is: '+ totalDays);
        /****************Completed by Unnat*****************************/
        //checks if the Monthly Quote is going to be more than 36 months and Monthly Quote Checkbox is selected
        /*if (totalDays > 1080 && Monthly_Quote == true ) {
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Since the Renewals in Months is more than 3 years, please uncheck the Monthly Quote checkbox'));
        else {*/       
            System.debug('=- after the if condition');          
            Account ResellerAct;
            Account DistributorAct; 
            Opportunity Oppt;          
            for(Asset Act : selectedAssets)
                Temp_Assets__c TempAsset = new Temp_Assets__c();
                TempAsset.Name = 'Sudhir';
                TempAsset.AccountId__c = Act.AccountId;
                TempAsset.Product__c = Act.Product2Id;
                //Added by Unnat
                TempAsset.Product_lookup__c= Act.Product2Id;
                TempAsset.Asset_Id__c = Act.Id;
                TempAsset.Serial_Number__c = Act.SerialNumber;
                TempAsset.Last_Contract_Number__c = Act.last_contract_number__c;
                TempAsset.Service_Start_Date__c = Act.Service_Start_Date_Min__c;
                //TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
                /***************Added by Unnat********************************************/
                TempAsset.Opp_Close_Date__c = minDate;
                TempAsset.Monthly_Quote__c = Monthly_Quote;
                System.debug('=- Monthly Quote is: ' + monthly_Quote);
                if (Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c != null) {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
                else {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;
                TempAsset.Install_Date__c = Act.InstallDate; 
                System.debug ('==== Reseller id is: '+ GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c);
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c;
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c;
                /****************Commented by Unnat****************************************************************************
                If (GetReseller.AccountId <> NULL)
                ResellerAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = ResellerAct.Id;     
                 System.debug ('==== Reseller id 2 is: '+ ResellerAct.Id);       
                If (GetDistributor.AccountId <> NULL )
                DistributorAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = DistributorAct.Id;
                ****************Completed by Unnat *****************************************************************************/
                If ( GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c <> NULL )
                Oppt = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE ID = :GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Existing_Opportunity__c = Oppt.Id;
                TempAsset.Incumbent_Reseller__c = IncumbentReseller;
                TempAsset.Education__c = Education;
                //TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c = GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c= maxDate;
                TempAsset.New_Opportunity__c = GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Term__c = ExpireTerms;
                /* Insert Bundel Checkbox Value */               
                if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(Act.Id)){
                else {
                TempAsset.Bundle_Support__c = bundsprt;
                System.debug('== Bundle Value is: ' + bundsprt);
                             //Add the selected Assets to the List
            Insert TempAssetList;                           
       // } //end of if Condition for check of days more than 3 years
   public pagereference Redirect()
     String optyURL2 = '';
     PageReference pageref = new PageReference(optyURL2);   //<----- changed here
     return pageref;


Best Answer chosen by Sudhir_Meru
Arunkumar RArunkumar R
Can you try like this,

public class demo

public string baseURL{get;set;}
Public String existingId{get;set;}

public static void processSelected()
// Your function

 public PageReference pageRefMethod() {

//call your action method

existingId = '006m0000002MqNf';
baseUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+'/';

  PageReference send = new PageReference(baseURL + existingId);
    return send;



In your visualforce page,

<apex:commandButton value="SAve" action="{!pageRefMethod}"/>

All Answers


  Try below code..

public pagereference Redirect()
     PageReference page= new PageReference(System.currentPageReference().getURL());
     return page;

   [If it helps, mark it as "Best Answer"] 


Hi Rockzz, 

  Thanks for your reply. I want to redirect to 

  I dont  see this in your code Please let me know



praveen murugesanpraveen murugesan
Hi Sudhir,

Instead of this public pagereference Redirect()
     String optyURL2 = '';
     PageReference pageref = new PageReference(optyURL2);   //<----- changed here
     return pageref;

you can use this

public pagereference Redirect()

     PageReference pageref = new PageReference('/006m0000002MqNf');   //instead of hardcoded id you can mention opp id by using query
     return pageref;

Hope this helps.

HI Sudhir,

     What this URL Contains : provide some more Info...

Arunkumar RArunkumar R
Hi Sudhir,

Can you try this below code, 

public string baseURL{get;set;}
Public ID existingId{get;set;}
existingId = '006m0000002MqNf';

baseUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+'/';

public PageReference getBackToAddendum(){
    PageReference send = new PageReference(baseURL + existingId);
    return send;


Hi Arun, 

  I tried your method i am getting error Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: '='

 In this line 
existingId = '006m0000002MqNf';

Also Can i call getBackToAddendum()  Inside another funcation after insert operation is done. 



Hi Praveen Murgesan,

  I added as mentioned below but it is not working Please suggest me how to modify 

public with sharing class CCW_ContactPaginationController {
  //URL Passing Parameters. 
  String PageContractId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('ContractId');     
  String PageAccountId  = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('AccountId');   
  public Asset   GetAccount{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetContract{get;set;} 
  public Asset   GetExpireDate{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetReseller{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetDistributor{get;set;}
  public String  IncumbentReseller{get;set;}
  public String  Education{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetOpportunity{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetNewOpportunity{get;set;}
  public String  ExpireTerms{get;set;}
  public boolean bundsprt{get;set;}
  public boolean Monthly_Quote {get;set;}
  //Our collection to class/wrapper objects wrapAsset
  public List<CCWRowItem> wrapAssetList {get; set;}
  public List<Asset> selectedAssets{get;set;} 
    *   item in context from the page
    public String contextItem{get;set;}
    public String contextItem2{get;set;}
    *   set controller
    private ApexPages.StandardSetController setCon;
    *   the contact ids selected by the user
    private Set<Id> selectedContactIds;
    private Set<Id> selectedContactIds2= new set<Id>();
    *   constructor
    public CCW_ContactPaginationController ()
      GetAccount = new Asset();    //Get Account Id from Page 
      GetContract = new Asset();   //Get Contract Name from Page   
      GetExpireDate = new Asset();   // Date Picker   
      GetReseller = new Asset(); 
      GetDistributor = new Asset();  
      GetOpportunity = new Asset();   // Get Opportunity Id 
      GetNewOpportunity = new Asset();  // Get New Opportunity Name    
   public void fetch_data ()
        //init variable
        this.selectedContactIds= new Set<Id>();
        //gather data set        
       if ( GetAccount.AccountId == NULL && GetContract.Name == NULL )   
         if ( PageAccountId != NULL && PageContractId == NULL )
          this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :PageAccountId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
         else if ( PageAccountId == NULL && PageContractId != NULL )
         Contract C;
         C = [SELECT Name FROM Contract WHERE Id = :PageContractId Limit 1]; 
         this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_number__c = :C.Name Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
         this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );                                            
      else if ( GetAccount.AccountId != NULL && GetContract.Name == NULL )   
         this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :GetAccount.AccountId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] ); 
       else if ( GetAccount.AccountId == NULL && GetContract.Name != NULL )
        this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_number__c  = :GetContract.Name Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
       else if ( GetAccount.AccountId != NULL && GetContract.Name != NULL ) 
        this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :GetAccount.AccountId and last_contract_number__c = :GetContract.Name  Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
        this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );                                            
      catch(Exception e) {  
       this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );                                            
        if(this.setCon != null){                                        
    *   handle item selected
    public void doSelectItem(){        
    public void doSelectItem2(){        
    *   handle item deselected
    public void doDeselectItem(){        
    public void doDeselectItem2(){        
    *   return count of selected items
    public Integer getSelectedCount(){
        return this.selectedContactIds.size();
    *   advance to next page
    public void doNext(){        
    *   advance to previous page
    public void doPrevious(){        
    //public List<CCWRowItem> rows = new List<CCWRowItem>();
    public List<CCWRowItem> rows {get; set;}
    *   return current page of groups
    public List<CCWRowItem> getContacts(){        
        rows = new List<CCWRowItem>();      
        for(sObject r : this.setCon.getRecords()){
            Asset c = (Asset)r;
            CCWRowItem row = new CCWRowItem(c);
                if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(c.Id)){
                else {

            else {
        return rows;
        catch(Exception e) { 
           return null;
 // Store Selected Records to Object/Table
 public void processSelected() {
    Integer currentPageNumber = setCon.getPageNumber();
    selectedAssets = new List<Asset>();
    list<Temp_Assets__c> TempAssetList = new list<Temp_Assets__c>();  

    List<Asset>  TempAssetLists = (List<Asset>)setCon.getRecords();
    for(Asset assetIns : TempAssetLists  ) {
        /**********Added by Unnat*********************************/
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        Date maxDate=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        Date minDate;
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        //finds the latest expiry date out of the selected assets
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
            if(assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c > maxDate) {
        System.debug('== Latest Service end Date is:'+ maxDate);
        minDate = maxDate;
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
            if(minDate > assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c) {
        System.debug('== Least Service end Date is:'+ minDate);
        if ((selectedAssets.size() < 1 ) || (expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null )|| (expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ) || (GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ) || (GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null )|| (GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate )) {
        //Validates that atleast one of the assets is selected from the install base
        if(selectedAssets.size() < 1 ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please select atleast one Asset to renew from the Install Base.'));
        //Validates that atleast one of the Expiry Dates needs to have a value
        if(expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter the Expiry Term or Expiry Date for the selected Assets.'));
        //Valation that only of the Expirty Dates can have a value
        else if(expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'You can enter a value either in Expiry Date or Expiry Term, but not in both.'));
        //Validation that the Distributor Name is required
        if(GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Distributor'));
        //Validation that Reseller Name is required
        if(GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Reseller'));
        //Validation that atleast one Opportunity needs to have a value
        if(GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in either of the Opportunity'));
        //Validation that only one of the Opportunities can have a value
        else if(GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'You can enter a value either in Opportunity or New Opportunity, but not in both.'));
        //Validation that will check if the Expiry Date has value less than the selected Asset Service End Date
        if(GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Expiry Date that you entered is lower than Service End Date of the Asset'));
        else {
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        //Date maxDate=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        if (ExpireTerms !=null) {
        System.debug('== Expire Terms has a value');
            //finds the latest expiry date out of the selected assets
           /***************************moved this upwards*********************************** 
           for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
                if(assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c > maxDate) {
            System.debug('== Latest Service end Date is:'+ maxDate);
            //Validation that will check if the Expiry Date has value less than the selected Asset Service End Date
            if(GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Expiry Date that you entered is lower than Service End Date of the Asset'));
            //There will be another condition to add the expiry term to the latest expiry date
            //String a='1 Year';
            System.debug('== ExpireTerms is: '+ ExpireTerms);
            if (ExpireTerms=='1') {
                System.debug('== First if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '3') {
            System.debug('== Second if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '5') {
            System.debug('== third if condition');
            else {
                maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c; 
        else {
        System.debug('== Else condition');
            maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;   
        System.debug('== Max Date is: ' + maxDate);
        Integer totalDays = minDate.daysBetween(maxDate); 
        System.debug('== Total days difference is: '+ totalDays);
        /****************Completed by Unnat*****************************/
        //checks if the Monthly Quote is going to be more than 36 months and Monthly Quote Checkbox is selected
        /*if (totalDays > 1080 && Monthly_Quote == true ) {
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Since the Renewals in Months is more than 3 years, please uncheck the Monthly Quote checkbox'));
        else {*/        
            System.debug('=- after the if condition');           
            Account ResellerAct; 
            Account DistributorAct;  
            Opportunity Oppt;           
            for(Asset Act : selectedAssets)
                Temp_Assets__c TempAsset = new Temp_Assets__c();
                TempAsset.Name = 'Sudhir';
                TempAsset.AccountId__c = Act.AccountId;
                TempAsset.Product__c = Act.Product2Id;
                //Added by Unnat
                TempAsset.Product_lookup__c= Act.Product2Id;
                TempAsset.Asset_Id__c = Act.Id;
                TempAsset.Serial_Number__c = Act.SerialNumber;
                TempAsset.Last_Contract_Number__c = Act.last_contract_number__c; 
                TempAsset.Service_Start_Date__c = Act.Service_Start_Date_Min__c;
                //TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
                /***************Added by Unnat********************************************/
                TempAsset.Opp_Close_Date__c = minDate;
                TempAsset.Monthly_Quote__c = Monthly_Quote;
                System.debug('=- Monthly Quote is: ' + monthly_Quote);
                if (Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c != null) {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
                else {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;
                TempAsset.Install_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;  
                System.debug ('==== Reseller id is: '+ GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c);
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c;
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c;
                /****************Commented by Unnat****************************************************************************
                If (GetReseller.AccountId <> NULL) 
                ResellerAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = ResellerAct.Id;      
                 System.debug ('==== Reseller id 2 is: '+ ResellerAct.Id);        
                If (GetDistributor.AccountId <> NULL )
                DistributorAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = DistributorAct.Id;
                ****************Completed by Unnat *****************************************************************************/
                If ( GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c <> NULL )
                Oppt = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE ID = :GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Existing_Opportunity__c = Oppt.Id;
                TempAsset.Incumbent_Reseller__c = IncumbentReseller;
                TempAsset.Education__c = Education; 
                //TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c = GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c= maxDate;
                TempAsset.New_Opportunity__c = GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Term__c = ExpireTerms;
                /* Insert Bundel Checkbox Value */                
                if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(Act.Id)){
                else {
                TempAsset.Bundle_Support__c = bundsprt; 
                System.debug('== Bundle Value is: ' + bundsprt);
                             //Add the selected Assets to the List
            Insert TempAssetList;                            
       // } //end of if Condition for check of days more than 3 years
public pagereference Redirect()

     PageReference pageref = new PageReference('/006m0000002MqNf');   //instead of hardcoded id you can mention opp id by using query
     return pageref;
    *   return whether previous page exists
    public Boolean getHasPrevious(){       
        return this.setCon.getHasPrevious();         
        catch(Exception e) { 
           return false;
    *   return whether next page exists
    public Boolean getHasNext(){       
        return this.setCon.getHasNext();
      catch(Exception e) { 
           return false;

    *   return page number
    public Integer getPageNumber(){   
        return this.setCon.getPageNumber();        
    catch(Exception e) { 
           return 1;

    *    return total pages
    Public Integer getTotalPages(){
    Decimal totalSize;
    Decimal pageSize;
    Decimal pages;
          totalSize = this.setCon.getResultSize();
          pageSize = this.setCon.getPageSize();      
          pages = totalSize/pageSize;
          return (Integer)pages.round(System.RoundingMode.CEILING);      
         catch(Exception e) { 
           return 1;

    *   helper class that represents a row
    public with sharing class CCWRowItem{
        public Asset tContact{get;set;}
        public Boolean IsSelected{get;set;}
        public Boolean BundelSelected{get;set;}
        public CCWRowItem(Asset c){



praveen murugesanpraveen murugesan
Hi Sudhir,

public pagereference Redirect()

 PageReference pageref = new PageReference('/XXXXX');   //instead of hardcoded id you need to mention opportunity id
return pageref;

Hi Praveen, 

  For testing I tried as below even this is not working

public pagereference Redirect()

PageReference pageref = new PageReference('');   //instead of hardcoded id you need to mention opportunity id
return pageref;

I want to know how to call this Redirect() funcation Please suggest me 



praveen murugesanpraveen murugesan
Hi Sudhir,

Above mentioned code will not work dude, Because here you have added PageReference('');

but it should be PageReference pageref = new PageReference('/any id');

For eg: Click accounts tab select one account get the ID from the url put that here.

Hi Praveen, 

  Please find the code below I am adding opportunity Id I am calling Redirect() funcation inside another function processselected but this is not working Please check

// Store Selected Records to Object/Table
 public void processSelected() {
    Integer currentPageNumber = setCon.getPageNumber();
    selectedAssets = new List<Asset>();
    list<Temp_Assets__c> TempAssetList = new list<Temp_Assets__c>();  

    List<Asset>  TempAssetLists = (List<Asset>)setCon.getRecords();
    for(Asset assetIns : TempAssetLists  ) {
        /**********Added by Unnat*********************************/
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        Date maxDate=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        Date minDate;
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        //finds the latest expiry date out of the selected assets
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
            if(assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c > maxDate) {
        System.debug('== Latest Service end Date is:'+ maxDate);
        minDate = maxDate;
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
            if(minDate > assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c) {
        System.debug('== Least Service end Date is:'+ minDate);
        if ((selectedAssets.size() < 1 ) || (expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null )|| (expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ) || (GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ) || (GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null )|| (GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate )) {
        //Validates that atleast one of the assets is selected from the install base
        if(selectedAssets.size() < 1 ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please select atleast one Asset to renew from the Install Base.'));
        //Validates that atleast one of the Expiry Dates needs to have a value
        if(expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter the Expiry Term or Expiry Date for the selected Assets.'));
        //Valation that only of the Expirty Dates can have a value
        else if(expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'You can enter a value either in Expiry Date or Expiry Term, but not in both.'));
        //Validation that the Distributor Name is required
        if(GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Distributor'));
        //Validation that Reseller Name is required
        if(GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Reseller'));
        //Validation that atleast one Opportunity needs to have a value
        if(GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in either of the Opportunity'));
        //Validation that only one of the Opportunities can have a value
        else if(GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'You can enter a value either in Opportunity or New Opportunity, but not in both.'));
        //Validation that will check if the Expiry Date has value less than the selected Asset Service End Date
        if(GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Expiry Date that you entered is lower than Service End Date of the Asset'));
        else {
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        //Date maxDate=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        if (ExpireTerms !=null) {
        System.debug('== Expire Terms has a value');
            //finds the latest expiry date out of the selected assets
           /***************************moved this upwards*********************************** 
           for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
                if(assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c > maxDate) {
            System.debug('== Latest Service end Date is:'+ maxDate);
            //Validation that will check if the Expiry Date has value less than the selected Asset Service End Date
            if(GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Expiry Date that you entered is lower than Service End Date of the Asset'));
            //There will be another condition to add the expiry term to the latest expiry date
            //String a='1 Year';
            System.debug('== ExpireTerms is: '+ ExpireTerms);
            if (ExpireTerms=='1') {
                System.debug('== First if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '3') {
            System.debug('== Second if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '5') {
            System.debug('== third if condition');
            else {
                maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c; 
        else {
        System.debug('== Else condition');
            maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;   
        System.debug('== Max Date is: ' + maxDate);
        Integer totalDays = minDate.daysBetween(maxDate); 
        System.debug('== Total days difference is: '+ totalDays);
        /****************Completed by Unnat*****************************/
        //checks if the Monthly Quote is going to be more than 36 months and Monthly Quote Checkbox is selected
        /*if (totalDays > 1080 && Monthly_Quote == true ) {
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Since the Renewals in Months is more than 3 years, please uncheck the Monthly Quote checkbox'));
        else {*/        
            System.debug('=- after the if condition');           
            Account ResellerAct; 
            Account DistributorAct;  
            Opportunity Oppt;           
            for(Asset Act : selectedAssets)
                Temp_Assets__c TempAsset = new Temp_Assets__c();
                TempAsset.Name = 'Sudhir';
                TempAsset.AccountId__c = Act.AccountId;
                TempAsset.Product__c = Act.Product2Id;
                //Added by Unnat
                TempAsset.Product_lookup__c= Act.Product2Id;
                TempAsset.Asset_Id__c = Act.Id;
                TempAsset.Serial_Number__c = Act.SerialNumber;
                TempAsset.Last_Contract_Number__c = Act.last_contract_number__c; 
                TempAsset.Service_Start_Date__c = Act.Service_Start_Date_Min__c;
                //TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
                /***************Added by Unnat********************************************/
                TempAsset.Opp_Close_Date__c = minDate;
                TempAsset.Monthly_Quote__c = Monthly_Quote;
                System.debug('=- Monthly Quote is: ' + monthly_Quote);
                if (Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c != null) {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
                else {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;
                TempAsset.Install_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;  
                System.debug ('==== Reseller id is: '+ GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c);
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c;
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c;
                /****************Commented by Unnat****************************************************************************
                If (GetReseller.AccountId <> NULL) 
                ResellerAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = ResellerAct.Id;      
                 System.debug ('==== Reseller id 2 is: '+ ResellerAct.Id);        
                If (GetDistributor.AccountId <> NULL )
                DistributorAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = DistributorAct.Id;
                ****************Completed by Unnat *****************************************************************************/
                If ( GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c <> NULL )
                Oppt = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE ID = :GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Existing_Opportunity__c = Oppt.Id;
                TempAsset.Incumbent_Reseller__c = IncumbentReseller;
                TempAsset.Education__c = Education; 
                //TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c = GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c= maxDate;
                TempAsset.New_Opportunity__c = GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Term__c = ExpireTerms;
                /* Insert Bundel Checkbox Value */                
                if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(Act.Id)){
                else {
                TempAsset.Bundle_Support__c = bundsprt; 
                System.debug('== Bundle Value is: ' + bundsprt);
                             //Add the selected Assets to the List
            Insert TempAssetList;                            
       // } //end of if Condition for check of days more than 3 years
public pagereference Redirect()

     PageReference pageref = new PageReference('/006m0000002MqNf');   //instead of hardcoded id you can mention opp id by using query
     return pageref;

Arunkumar RArunkumar R
Can you try like this,

public class demo

public string baseURL{get;set;}
Public String existingId{get;set;}

public static void processSelected()
// Your function

 public PageReference pageRefMethod() {

//call your action method

existingId = '006m0000002MqNf';
baseUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+'/';

  PageReference send = new PageReference(baseURL + existingId);
    return send;



In your visualforce page,

<apex:commandButton value="SAve" action="{!pageRefMethod}"/>

This was selected as the best answer

Hi Arun, 

  Thank you very much you are genious 

