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Camila HeitzCamila Heitz 

Publish a case comment on case without assigned contact

Hello everyone, 

I open cases from anonymous users (potential customers) and I have their email addresses saved inside the case. I would like to send the case to that email adress but I don't want to create a contact for that email person because it is not a client yet.
Is this possible?
Thank you.
Daniel B ProbertDaniel B Probert
in theory yes but not sure why you wouldn't want to create the contact.

create a new field on the cases object - email address
update the page layout to include this - make sure no other account/contact fields are set to required.
create your support email template - excluding contact name as you only have email
create a workflow based on status being new and email field created above being not blank
create email alert and set receiptient type to email field - you should see the field you created in there.

that would it done.

although i would recommend you create them as leads and then create the case against the leads - at least then you can convert them if they become customers and use some of the built in features of salesforce to manage them.

Camila HeitzCamila Heitz
Thanks, but I'm trying to send the comment to that email, no the case (it came out wrong).
Right now when I try to make the comment public, it says no contact is assigned to the case, so I can't do it. Maybe create a workflow to send the comment every time a new comment is published? Is there a way to do it?

Thank you