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Summer 14 Developer Console not working in Chrome

My sandbox was recently updated to Summer 14. When I try to open the developer console using Chrome, I get a blank window. I checked the javascript console and saw the following errors:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Queued' of undefined
Uncaught Error: Ext.Loader is not enabled, so dependencies cannot be resolved dynamically. Missing required class: apex.ide.ViewerPerspectiveDefinition
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'IDE' of undefined

Anyone else experiencing this?
Best Answer chosen by wtm17
Arunkumar RArunkumar R

I also had the  same issue but it's solved. try some of the following thing i did,

1. The current stable version of chrome is 35.0.1916.114 m. Make sure your version and Update your chrome .

2. Don't use beta version Browser. 

3. Clear cookies and browser settting, If the issue still persistent reinstall the chrome.

Please let me know if you have face still any issue.

All Answers

Arunkumar RArunkumar R

I also had the  same issue but it's solved. try some of the following thing i did,

1. The current stable version of chrome is 35.0.1916.114 m. Make sure your version and Update your chrome .

2. Don't use beta version Browser. 

3. Clear cookies and browser settting, If the issue still persistent reinstall the chrome.

Please let me know if you have face still any issue.
This was selected as the best answer
Clearing cookies and cached files did it. Thanks!
Somnath SharmaSomnath Sharma
The issue still persists
Somnath SharmaSomnath Sharma
Somnath SharmaSomnath Sharma

The best and the simplest solution to this is copy the url which you get upon launcing Developer console in your  browser and you are all set to code