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Courtney M BrownCourtney M Brown 

Apex Trigger on Standard Object - help


I am using a standard object (Campaign) to track attendence at events.  Working with the "Total Contacts" field (automatically updated when a contact is added to campaign) and a custom "No of Attendees" field, I'm trying to create an Apex Trigger that updates the Campaign record with the current number of attendees whenever that number changes.  

Goal:  Anytime "Total Contacts" changes, I want to pass that value to the "No of Attendees" field.  

Here's what I've tried so far:
trigger AttendeeUpdate on Campaign (before update) {
    for (Campaign obj:{
        No_of_Attendees__c = TotalContacts;

Error Message:Compile Error: Variable does not exist: No_of_Attendees__c at line 3 column 9

Any help with this is greatly appreciated!
Best Answer chosen by Courtney M Brown
trigger AttendeeUpdate on Campaign (before update) {
    for (Campaign obj:{
        obj.No_of_Attendees__c = obj.TotalContacts;

All Answers

trigger AttendeeUpdate on Campaign (before update) {
    for (Campaign obj:{
        obj.No_of_Attendees__c = obj.TotalContacts;
This was selected as the best answer
Courtney M BrownCourtney M Brown
Thank you!