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vanessa veron
to pass information from page 1 topage 2
Hello ...
How can I do to pass information from my page 1 to my page 2 ?
When I click the button M (modify) I want the page 2 be loaded with page1 information (mail).
Thank you!!!!!
The code:
PAGE 01:
PAGE 02:
How can I do to pass information from my page 1 to my page 2 ?
When I click the button M (modify) I want the page 2 be loaded with page1 information (mail).
Thank you!!!!!
The code:
global List<GetJobValue__c> recupererInfosJob{get;set;} public String garderJobInfo; global String mail{get;set;} public BBBB(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { jobRecords = new List<CronTrigger>(); jobRecords = [SELECT CronJobDetail.Name, CreatedDate, State, PreviousFireTime, NextFireTime,CronExpression FROM CronTrigger where OwnerId = '00520000003HHTGAA4']; enabledMois = true; enabledMoisPartie2 = true; enabledSemaine=true; mail=getMail(); } global void setMail(String mail) { this.mail= mail; } global String getMail() { return mail; } public PageReference modifier(){ modif(); PageReference pageRef= new PageReference('/apex/BBBBPage2'); pageRef.setRedirect(true); return pageRef; } public void modif(){ if(!String.isBlank(strJobName)) { recupererInfosJob = new List<GetJobValue__c>(); recupererInfosJob = [SELECT Mail__c FROM GetJobValue__c where nomJob__c =: strJobName]; for(GetJobValue__c a: recupererInfosJob){ string recordString = a.Mail__c; garderJobInfo = recordString; } } else { system.debug('NOT Job Name'); } setMail(garderJobInfo); }VISUALFORCE:
PAGE 01:
<apex:actionfunction name="callModify" action="{!modifier}" rerender="panelRefresh"> <apex:param value="" name="ParamModify" assignTo="{!strJobName}" /> </apex:actionFunction> <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!jobRecords}" var="ac" id="pbBlockTable"> <apex:column headervalue="Expression" value="{!ac.CronExpression}"/> <apex:column > <apex:commandButton value="M" onClick="callModify('{!ac.CronJobDetail.Name}'); return false;"/> </apex:column> </apex:pageBlockTable>
PAGE 02:
Mail..........: <apex:inputText styleClass="classeBig" value="{!mail}"/><br /><br />
change from <apex:inputText value="{!$CurrentPage.parameters.mailPG2}"/>
to below.
<apex:outputText value="{!$CurrentPage.parameters.mailPG2}"/>
All Answers
in page2 access s1 using below statement.
but where I use {!$CurrentPage.parameters.account} ?
could you inform me the complete instruction?
account can be a variable that will contain the value passed to S1?
change from <apex:inputText value="{!$CurrentPage.parameters.mailPG2}"/>
to below.
<apex:outputText value="{!$CurrentPage.parameters.mailPG2}"/>
But isnt it possible to do that for INPUT TEXT??
how do I get a select Option with selected values?
please go through the below sample code.