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vanessa veronvanessa veron 

Case sensitive SELECT

I want to compare if a variable has the same name as one of the values ​​of my custom object.
I would like to delete the same values...

I could add as nameJob__c: JOB, job, Job (three different things).

Is to do a select informing CASE SENSITIVE??

List<obj__c> existing = [SELECT Id From obj__c where nameJob__c =:NameJobSchedulable];
delete existing;
NameJobSchedulable = variable String

Thank you
Best Answer chosen by vanessa veron
Ramesh KallooriRamesh Kalloori
no soql is not case sensitive.

   String x='Google';
List<Contact> c=[SELECT ID  from contact where LastName=:x];
   Delete c;

the above query delete the Contact with name as google.


All Answers

Ramesh KallooriRamesh Kalloori
no soql is not case sensitive.

   String x='Google';
List<Contact> c=[SELECT ID  from contact where LastName=:x];
   Delete c;

the above query delete the Contact with name as google.

This was selected as the best answer
vanessa veronvanessa veron
Thank you!!!!