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Adam BurnAdam Burn 

Automatically update checkbox field on Contact when someone becomes a Campaign Member

I'm a new admin trying to get my feel wet writing workflow formulas. I'm not sure if this is what I need or if I'll need a trigger instead. I'd like a checkbox to update on the Contact record when someone becomes attached to a Campaign with a certain record type (i.e. a Campaign Member record is created or deleted). Any suggestions would be incredibly helpful! 
Adam BurnAdam Burn
Here's my formula so far... IF(AND( Campaign.RecordType.DeveloperName = Service Platoon,( ISPICKVAL( Status , 'Sent'), Contact.Platoon_Member__c = TRUE), NULL)
You will need a Trigger OR There is a feature called Flow Trigger, which is only in Pilot right now.  With Flow Trigger, I suspect what you want to do will be possible.  Here's a link to the Flow Trigger:

If you want to participate in their Pilot program, you will need to contact Salesforce.
Adam BurnAdam Burn
I see. Was afraid of that. Thanks for the help!