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Cap AdresseCap Adresse 

Add a button in the "new Account" standard page

Hi everyone,

I am new to salesforce and I wanted to know if it was possible to add a button in the "new Account" standard page.
Here is a screenshot of what I mean :

User-added image

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Have a good day.
praveen murugesanpraveen murugesan
Hi Cap,

Refer this links 

These links clearly explains the details.

Mark this as best answer if its helps.

Cap AdresseCap Adresse
Hi Praveen,

Thanks for your quick response but, unfortunately, I already know this.
I already add a custom button but it is on the account "recap" page:

User-added image

What I want to do is to add this button to the page when you click on the "New" button:

User-added image

So maybe it is not possible or am I missing something?

pradeep naredlapradeep naredla
Hi cap,

 if u already created a button just check it in pagelayout and add that button.
