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Erica CoxErica Cox 

Line breaks in body of Notes object

Is there a way to display the line breaks that a user enters in the body of a Notes object? This is a custom VF page, in which the text input code is:
<apex:inputTextArea value="{!newCaseConsultationNote.note.body}" 
                                            label="Note Body" styleClass="noteTextArea" />
and the output code:
<apex:outputPanel layout="block" styleClass="noteBodyStyle">
      <apex:outputText value="{!ccNote.note.body}" /> 
The style classes are very basic:
.noteBodyStyle {
        font-size: 95%;
    .noteTextArea {
The problem is that when the user enters the following:


The result is:

Item1 Item2

Mani RenusMani Renus
Check it..
sam sammsam samm
Add richText="true" for the apex:inputTextArea
And apex:outputText escape="false"

Hope this works for you.