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how to change the column order in <apex:enhancedlist>?

Hai friends,
 i displayed account list view page in visual force page by using   <apex:enhancedlist>
like this

    <apex:enhancedlist type="Account" height="730" customizable="false" rowsPerPage="25" Listid="00B90000006FRvh" /> 

shall i change the column order in this visual force page please suggest me urgent

If you set customizable="true" you give the user the option to change the column order:

A Boolean value that specifies whether the list can be customized by the current user. If not specified, the default value is true. If this attribute is set to false, the current user will not be able to edit the list definition or change the list name, filter criteria, columns displayed, column order, or visibility. However, the current user's personal preferences can still be set, such as column width or sort order.
