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Kirill HantayevKirill Hantayev 

Can't find a custom object in the application

Hi all,

I'm pretty new to this, so appologies in advance if this is a basic question.

I have a reference in my code to a custom object , lets say - Just_an_object__c
The thing is I can't find the defenition of this object in the application - I looked under the obvious location: Create->Objects and it's not there.

I checked the API in case it was a historical line of code and there I did find the  Just_an_object__c defenition.

Any idea on how do I access this objects defenitions?

If you did not see the object in Create-->> objects then definately you might be in the wrong org. Other than that there is no chance that it would be missing in that page. Please verify if you are logged in to the correct org.

Kirill HantayevKirill Hantayev
Thanks, I'm definitely in the right org.
Other Ideas?
Caleb SidelCaleb Sidel
Hi Kirill,
Is your Profile full System Administrator? And did you create the object or did someone else? It could be that your profile does not have access to the object. In that case things like Data Loader or your Eclipse IDE won't see the object. No matter what you should be able to go to Setup -> Create -> Objects and see the object listed there.
Good luck!