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User Object in a Relationship

I have a custom object called application Group.  This application group has one more users.  I would like to create a master detail relationship between
application group and  standard object users with Appication group as master and users as child so that I can add more users to each Application group .

As users object is not in the custom object list, I cannot create a master detail relationship there.
Can someone guide me how can I achieve this?
Thanks in advance
Vidhyasagaran MuralidharanVidhyasagaran Muralidharan
Standard Object cannot be detail part of relationship.And you cannot create User object as master as well.If your application group is single or group of object try with apex sharing.
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Thanks Vidhya.  What is apex sharing. I am very new to  What is the best way to handle this situation.  If I create Users as a custom object , will there be any issues/


Vidhyasagaran MuralidharanVidhyasagaran Muralidharan
I guess this could help you some what.