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Iterate through the list and compare each element with every other element.
To achieve this i am using two for loops which is a bad approch. can any one suggest me a better approch than this.
for example: if i compare slot[10] and slot[11] and i remove slot[11], i also have to compare slot[10] and slot[12] which is not happening in below code without using extra for loop.
hanks for your help.
for example: if i compare slot[10] and slot[11] and i remove slot[11], i also have to compare slot[10] and slot[12] which is not happening in below code without using extra for loop.
for(integer j=0;j<=repsid.size();j++) { for(integer i=0;i<=slots.size()-2;i++) { if(slots[i].StartDateTime==slots[i+1].StartDateTime) { if(slots[i].NumberofEvents==slots[i+1].NumberofEvents && slots[i].distance==slots[i+1].distance) { slots.remove(i+1); } else { if(slots[i].NumberofEvents==slots[i+1].NumberofEvents && slots[i].distance!=slots[i+1].distance && apptmin != 90) { if(slots[i].distance<slots[i+1].distance) { slots.remove(i+1); } else { slots.remove(i); } } else { if((slots[i].NumberofEvents!=slots[i+1].NumberofEvents && slots[i].distance>10 && slots[i+1].distance>10) || slots[i].NumberofEvents!=slots[i+1].NumberofEvents && apptmin==90) { if(slots[i].NumberofEvents<slots[i+1].NumberofEvents) { slots.remove(i+1); } else { slots.remove(i); } } else { if(slots[i].distance < slots[i+1].distance) { slots.remove(i+1); } else { slots.remove(i); } } } } } } }
hanks for your help.
map<date,list<slots>> mapSlot= new map<date,list<slots>>();
for(integer i=0;i<=slots.size()-2;i++)
if( !mapSlot.containskey(slots[i].StartDateTime))
list<slots> listSlots= new list<slots> ();
VerifiyData (mapSlot,slots[i]);
// this method to put your business logic inside.
private void VerifiyData( map<date,list<slots>> mapSlot ,slots slot1 )
if(mapSlot.size() ==0)
list<slots> listSlots= mapSlot.get(slot1.StartDateTime);
foreach (slots slt :listSlots)
// put your logic here and verify slot1 with the listSlots and remove from the object listSlots the unwanted value
and once you are done you will have a map that contains the correct data.