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Tom Maple2Tom Maple2 

How do I retrieve Visualforce page permissions for a profile?

I have a Visualforce page that acts as a menu to other Visualforce pages. I want to use the rendered attribute to decide whether an <apex:outputLink> is displayed based on the logged in user's Profile permissions. Something like this:

<apex:outputLink value="/apex/myPrivilegedPage" rendered="{!whatDoIPutHere}">My Privileged Page</apex:outputLink>
Best Answer chosen by Tom Maple2
I guess you would have to write a method in the controller by querying for the user permissions and send a boolean value to rendered attribute. See if the below post helps you in any way

All Answers

I guess you would have to write a method in the controller by querying for the user permissions and send a boolean value to rendered attribute. See if the below post helps you in any way
This was selected as the best answer
Tom Maple2Tom Maple2
Thanks Ramu. That post on stackexchange did provide the answer. I had never heard of the SetupEntityAccess object, nor the ApexPage object.