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barak inbal 10barak inbal 10 

C# SOAP API Request Timeouts problem

We have a  C# batch process which communicate with Salesforce DB salesforce through C# SOAP API.
Recently some of the fields which are rmotely querying, have change their type from Text type to Rich text area.
As a result of this , the body request is now larger , and can include items like pictures or external attachments.
As a result of this, we are getting alots of timeouts from server side. 

1. What can be the cause of this timeouts? any restrication on the size of body request in C# soap api?
2. What is the right technique to handle this problem.


Andy BoettcherAndy Boettcher
Could you make your query more selective - bringing back fewer records rather than a large no-limit query?  Your timeouts perhaps would be due to a query that is pulling back a LOT of information.