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Id value is not valid for the object standard controller
I am getting the following error.
Id value is not valid for the Project_Governance_Form__c standard controller
Here is my code..Could someone please help why I am getting this error?
Id value is not valid for the Project_Governance_Form__c standard controller
Here is my code..Could someone please help why I am getting this error?
<apex:page standardController="Project_Governance_Form__c" action="{!URLFOR(CASE(Project_Governance_Form__c.RecordType.Name, 'AIP Form', '/apex/GovForm_Edit_Override_AiP?id={!}' ,'Commitment', '/apex/GovForm_Edit_Override_Commitment?id={!Project_Governance_Form__c.Id}', 'Commitment / FMA', '/apex/GovForm_Edit_Override_FMA_Commit', '/apex/GovForm_Edit_Override_FMA'))}" > <apex:variable value="{!Project_Governance_Form__c.RecordType.Name}" var="recTypeName"/> </apex:page>
It looks all the world like you're action attribute's case statement is missing the id parameter for the last record type and the default. I'm guessing that your "id value" is not valid error, may come from the lack of an Id all together.
I put the id parameter for the last record type but still getting the same error.