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DateTime Text Formula Field


I have a formula field to pull the created date with the time,  but it is showing the seconds and the z.  How do I get rid of the seconds and z?  I've tried a couple of different ways and can get just the date or just the time, but not both.


Best Answer chosen by Lil_Ranger1111
Jason Curtis NBSFDGJason Curtis NBSFDG
LEFT(TEXT(CreatedDate), 16) will make "2014-05-26 19:43:17Z" into "2014-05-26 19:43"

All Answers

Vidhyasagaran MuralidharanVidhyasagaran Muralidharan
Check this whether it could be helpful
Try something as this LEFT(TEXT(CreatedDate), 8). See if this helps, you might need to change the number of characters as required, I just randomly entered as 8.
Jason Curtis NBSFDGJason Curtis NBSFDG
LEFT(TEXT(CreatedDate), 16) will make "2014-05-26 19:43:17Z" into "2014-05-26 19:43"

This was selected as the best answer
Thanks.  That worked.  Now I have to figure out how to change the formatting to MM-DD-YY
Jason Curtis NBSFDGJason Curtis NBSFDG
Well, you could do the following:
MID(TEXT(CreatedDate),6,2) & "-" & MID(TEXT(CreatedDate),9,2) & "-" & MID(TEXT(CreatedDate),1,4)

That strips out the various characters in the date/time and rearranges them.
Jason Curtis NBSFDGJason Curtis NBSFDG
Another way to do it would be to:
TEXT(MONTH(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate))) & "-" & TEXT(DAY(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate))) & "-" & TEXT(YEAR(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)))
This will give you 5-26-2014, the other MID option will give you 05-26-2014.
This one might be easier to read if having to reference it.
Also, the DATEVALUE is used because the MONTH, DAY and YEAR functions only work with dates, not date/times. So DATEVALUE converts a date/time to a date.
Mano sfdcMano sfdc

Hi Jason,

Below formula not working...
LEFT(TEXT(CreatedDate), 16)

It shows correct date and showing wrong time.
Date/Time: 1/7/2015 8:56 PM
Formula Output: 2015-01-07 15:26
Malvika guptaMalvika gupta

Hi Jason,

I also have the same concern that Mano has, when we convert the date-time field in text, it shows the wrong time.

Could anyone plz provide the solution for this problem.