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Unable to chat through live agent

I was setting up live agent in my org.
  • i copied the button create code and the deployment code and pasted it in my VF page(home page of my site)
  • When i click on the online icon it opens a pop up with the below error:
  • HTTP ERROR: 500

    Problem accessing /content/s/prechatVisitor. Reason:

    This is not a JSON Array.
  • When i copy the same code in an html file and try for a live chat it seems to be working fine
  • Then why not with my VF page?
Any help Would be appreciated

Neha Patil

Phil WeinmeisterPhil Weinmeister
This isn't a direct answer to your question, but I have had similar issues. I was trying use VF and ended up using the HTML in a Community Footer to do the trick. Are you using Live Agent in a Community?
hi phil,

No i am not using community.I need to show it up on my site's homepage.Is there anything that you can suggest?

Li ChenLi Chen
HI Neha,
I'm also facing same issue when embed the Script in our own website portal. Have you solve this issue and what's the solution? Thanks