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Christopher Pezza
Convert String Date to Date in Apex Class to insert to Object Field Type Date
public void SaveTheNewWebinars(){ system.debug('**It Worked**'); Webinar_nRichment_Attendees__c webinars = new Webinar_nRichment_Attendees__c(); Date newestwebDate = Date.parse(newwebDate); String newestwebType = newwebType; webinars.Name__c = newwebName; webinars.Activity_Date__c = newestwebDate; if (newestwebType == 'Webinar') { webinars.Webinar_Attendees__c = newwebAttendees; } else { webinars.nRichment_Attendees__c = newwebAttendees; } insert(webinars); }Ho do i convert "newwebDate" from 12/20/2014 to a Date format to insert to a object with a field with date type?
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if newwebDate is a string of value '12/20/2014' and you are in the correct (US?) localle, newestWebDate should be a valid date field to pass into your object.
Does the above code not work for you though? If not, what errors are you getting? Are you sure the field is a Date, and not a DateTime?