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siddarth rajsiddarth raj 

Can the standard List view of Orders of type All Orders customized


We are using standard Orders Object with 3 additional custome fileds.  And ofcourse we have overridden the order creation page with our own VF page (new button).

My needs
on Orders List view we have Record type views like hub ordes, pen orders  including standard types like All activated orders, All Orders.
List view page has one default column called Action (Edit  del)

I see del invisible for the orders in status of approved. Looks it is standard functionalit.

Can it be possible to do enable or disable "Edit" based on the status of orders using standard salesforce. Want to avoid using VF page. 

I appreaciate  your time 

Unfortunately no, not on the standard list view. The closest thing you can get is to write a validation rule on the Orders object that prevents any update based on your criteria that you originally wanted to disable the "Edit".