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Scott BubScott Bub 

Communities Requirements for Implementations

I have a client who is looking to have his ticketing system moved over to Salesforce using communities. The system that they currently use is web-based and their customers have logins for this particular system (On Demand) I have a few pretty easy questions for anyone who is familiar with communities, but I just want to confirm what I tell them is accurate.

1.) There is an option for Single Sign On for communities and I just wanted to make sure that Single Sign On applies in this scenario. My question is: Does Single Sign On have any limitations when it comes to using it? Would we be able to specify that the single sign on feature is related to the login for that particular system when using communities?

2.) Is there any limitations when it comes to communities with integrations compared to a production org? It doesn't seem like there would be any limitation with integrations and communities, I figure you can just reference specific profiles or the community organization id or something when creating any apex. Are my assumptions correct and if so, does anyone know where I can find some documentation on this?

I can't find the documentation that I am looking for that answers these questions directly.
1. Yes you can enable SSO for just that particular system when using communities. Below is the link that has very useful resource on SSO, Authentication & Communities

2. You are again right in assuming that integrations would not have any limitations in communities vs production orgs, yes, you would have to do a lot of set-up, assign right permissions to the right profiles, but when you write Apex, or Visualforce, it would be the same for Communities as well.

Hope this anwers or at least provides you some direction, all the best with communities implementation.