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SS Karthick
Rich text area field to text area field
Hi Everybody,
Can anyone give me the code for coping the rich text area content to Text area field after save. The text area should not contain any html tags in it
Please Help!
Can anyone give me the code for coping the rich text area content to Text area field after save. The text area should not contain any html tags in it
Please Help!
Rich ext area field can also contain images. when we have images in rich text area field we can not copy it to the textarea field because <textarea> element can only hold plain text, not other nodes. If you just want to copy the plain text you can do as such:
<textarea><apex:outputtext value="{!objName.richTextAreaFieldName}" escape = "false"/></textarea>
Here escape = "false" attribute on outputtext renders the content escaping HTML tags.
If you want to do it in javascript:
<apex:outputtext id="richVal" value="{!objName.richTextAreaFieldName}" escape = "false"/>
<textarea id="someId" rows="4" cols="50"></textarea>
document.getElementById('someId').value = document.getElementById({!$Component.richVal}).value;
Please let me know if it helps.
All Answers
myObj.TextField__c = myObj.RichTextField__c;
Or you could write a workflow field update to copy the Rich Text field into the text area field.
If you want to control how many characters come back into the Text Area, in the workflow field update you could use the "LEFT" function, or if you want to control the number of characters in Apex, you can use the substring method.
More on the LEFT formula function here:
More on the Apex String substr method here: (
Rich ext area field can also contain images. when we have images in rich text area field we can not copy it to the textarea field because <textarea> element can only hold plain text, not other nodes. If you just want to copy the plain text you can do as such:
<textarea><apex:outputtext value="{!objName.richTextAreaFieldName}" escape = "false"/></textarea>
Here escape = "false" attribute on outputtext renders the content escaping HTML tags.
If you want to do it in javascript:
<apex:outputtext id="richVal" value="{!objName.richTextAreaFieldName}" escape = "false"/>
<textarea id="someId" rows="4" cols="50"></textarea>
document.getElementById('someId').value = document.getElementById({!$Component.richVal}).value;
Please let me know if it helps.
You can copy the rich text area field to text area field and then replace the HTML tags with blank. Alike example is given below
News__c obj = [select Story__c from News__c where Id = 'a2Nc0000000DL3H'];
system.debug('------'+obj.Story__c); //RichtextArea
obj.Specials_Friday__c = obj.Story__c; //Specials_Friday__c //textarea field
while(obj.Specials_Friday__c.indexOf('<') > -1 && obj.Specials_Friday__c.indexOf('>') > -1)
string strtobeReplaced = obj.Specials_Friday__c.substring(obj.Specials_Friday__c.indexOf('<'), obj.Specials_Friday__c.indexOf('>'));
obj.Specials_Friday__c = obj.Specials_Friday__c.replace(strtobeReplaced, ' ');
I have not tested this but you may try after some modification.
Let me know if that helps!
The following lines are not working
string strtobeReplaced = obj.Specials_Friday__c.substring(obj.Specials_Friday__c.indexOf('<'), obj.Specials_Friday__c.indexOf('>'));
obj.Specials_Friday__c = obj.Specials_Friday__c.replace(strtobeReplaced, ' ');
I have tested this out after some modification and now it works perfectly.
Intranet_News__c obj = [select Story__c from Intranet_News__c where Id = 'a2Nc0000000DL3H'];
obj.Specials_Friday__c = obj.Story__c;
while(obj.Specials_Friday__c.indexOf('<') > -1 && obj.Specials_Friday__c.indexOf('>') > -1)
Integer i = obj.Specials_Friday__c.indexOf('<');
Integer j = obj.Specials_Friday__c.indexOf('>');
string strtobeReplaced = obj.Specials_Friday__c.substring(i, j+1);
obj.Specials_Friday__c = obj.Specials_Friday__c.replace(strtobeReplaced, '');
Please mark this as an answer if it works so that other in the community may be benefitted.