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Radhika pawar 5Radhika pawar 5 

assign different Pagelayout for different workflow

Hey Friend,

I wanted to assign different page layout to user and System Adminisrator after getting mail Process?
I m Creating three Email template for sending mail once creating it.Then After i m assigned workflow .
Eg.sumitted issues
1) Email-your issues that has been Submitted
2)Email-your issues handled by user.
3)Your issus that has been solved.
Now next what i can do for assign page layout once get submitted issues mail?similarly next
Ravikant kediaRavikant kedia
you can read here : 

You have already asked this question and I have replied. 

IF it helps you than please mark it as a solution and ENJOY APEX
Radhika pawar 5Radhika pawar 5
Forget above Question?
Can you tell me how to use Creating Different Pageout in same Object????