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Radhika pawar 5Radhika pawar 5 

How to view Different Page Layout used for same object?

Hey Friend,
I m Creating Different page layout for (Issue) Object name , i want to viewd that different page layout with its same object Fields???
Virendra ChouhanVirendra Chouhan
Hi Radhika,

you can d othis and Assign this page layouts via Page Layout Assignment 
Rajendra ORajendra O
Virendra has address your query, would like to add one thing : To access "Page layout Assignmnet" button,
first navigate to setup page
Then App Setup -> Create ->Objects
Locate the custom object for which you want to view layouts
Then scroll down to locate a related list "Page Layout", over there you will see the button. Also it will list all page layouts and you can edit as required.

Another handy tip to access layouts is : open any record for the object you will notice "Edit Layout" link over top right side. This will allwo you to edit the current layout assigned to logged in user's profile, once you are on edit layout page you can access diffrent layout using drop down at top left side of UI.


If you have a object and you want to show different layout or want to use different layout. So you can do this by creating Record type on object.

On Object level you can create record type and after creating record type you can assign a layout to every record type.

IF it helps you than please mark it as a solution and ENJOY APEX