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shitanshu patelshitanshu patel 

Logout URL redirection to our application


I am tried to configure a tab in salesforce, clicking on which users will be able to work on our application in the same salesforce page.

We used salesforce session id and if the user is valid we are authorizing that user to be logged in into our application automtically and do the work.

This all is working fine now my question is how can we make sure that from Salesforce's logout url salesforce redirects to my applications logout code so that we can invalidate the session of the user from our application as well.

Once the session is invalidated from our application we will redirect it to normal salesforce logout url.

Please help.

Thanks in advance.
I am not sure if you can actually trigger something on logout event on Salesforce. I am really interested in knowing how we can do it though. Let me know if you find any soln. Appreciate it. Thank you