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Using rest api with Web Server OAuth Authentication Flow


I have a requirement where i need to send data from one sales force ORG to other Sales force ORG using rest api.

But here in this i want to use Web Server OAuth Authentication Flow for providing authentication for this.

I need help in this on how to get it started.If someone can post some demo code for this then that will help a lot.

I am having Client ID,Secret ID and redirect_uri that we requires but i am facing issue in generating Token within my apex class and fetch and use that token so that i can move ahead.

Any help on the same is Highly Appreciated.Looking ahead for an Quick response.

Thanks in Advance !!

I am assuming you are clicking a button on a page to connect to another Salesforce Org.  Here is what you might need to do.

When user clicks a button - call this method in apex controller 

public Pagereference validateUserCredentials(){
 Pagereference OAuthPage = new Pagereference(oSettings.OAuthURL__c + '&client_id='+oSettings.ClientId__c+'&redirect_uri='+oSettings.RedirectURI__c);
     return OAuthPage;

In your Apex page, add an action method, something like this (see how OAuthAccess method is listed)

<apex:page controller="OAuthPage" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardStyleSheets="false" doctype="html-5.0" action="{!OAuthAccess}">

In your Apex controller define OAuthAccess like below

public Pagereference OAuthAccess() {
    	if(Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('code') == null){
      		return null;
      	}else {
      	    String code = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('code');
            Httprequest req = new HttpRequest();    
            String ClientId = oSettings.ClientId__c;
            String ClientSecret = oSettings.ClientSecret__c;           
            req.setBody('grant_type=authorization_code' + 
                  '&code=' + code + 
                  '&client_id=' + ClientId + 
                  '&client_secret=' + ClientSecret + 
            Http http = new Http();
            HttpResponse res;
            try {
              	res = http.send(req);                
                ResponseClass resp = (ResponseClass)JSON.deserialize(res.getBody(),ResponseClass.class);
                sessionId    	   = resp.access_token;
                instanceURL  	   = resp.instance_url;
            }catch(system.CalloutException e){
        	if(res.getStatusCode() > 300){
        		messages.add('Error in Authentication ' + res.getStatus() + ' ' + res.getBody());	
            	return null;
        	messages.add('Authentication Successful');
        	isAuthenticated = true;
      		return null;

The Response Class is where you have the instance uRl and the session Id that you can use in subsequent calls.

public class ResponseClass {
        public String id {get;set;}
        public String access_token {get;set;}
        public String instance_url {get;set;}

Hope this helps.. 

Hi Kartik,

Thanks for your quick reply

I have tried already what you mention in above code The issue is that when i am trying to give the "Pagereference OAuthPage = new Pagereference(oSettings.OAuthURL__c + '&client_id='+oSettings.ClientId__c+'&redirect_uri='+oSettings.RedirectURI__c);" URL in my page reference i am not recieving token in Oauth Access method and only getting same URL in debug log but when i am trying the same from UI then i cann see the code in URL but unable to fetch that   in my class.

Can you please help me with this?

HI Arpit,

Hmm. that code in URL is a URL Parameter, so you need to do Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('code'). But you might have already done this. Did you setup the method as part of <apex:page> ? 

If possible can you post your code so that I can see where its going wrong?


Thanks for all your support.

Now i am facnig the issue after i get Access token and send the data by having that in setheader.

I am getting response error of 401 saying that Session is Invalid.Can you please help me with the same?

Looking for quick response
