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SFDC Report issue

We need to know all the opportunities whose owner is not present in the Account team of the accounts associated with the respective opportunities.Suppose we have two opportunities Oppty1 and Oppty2 with owners U1 and U2 respectively.Also Oppty1 and Oppty2 are associated with Account A1 and accounts team contains users U1,U3,U4.So we need opportunity Oppty2 in the result but not Oppty1 as its owner U1 is available in account A1's team.Please let me know how can we get this data
kaustav goswamikaustav goswami
Difficult to achieve thorugh standard reports.

I think the closest you can get is through a joined report in which one report type will be Account with Account Teams and the other report type will be opportunities.

Then you can use the account name field as the common grouping field. This will not filter out the records but at least you will have a view of the account teams for the different account s and the opporunity owners. The joined report does not allow you to take exports. So you will not be able to take an export and do the filtering offline.

Sample join report
