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Customize the Profile Layout for Salesforce1

In the Summer '14 release notes (see link), the user profile page layout can be customized for Salesforce1, but only for Android devices. Does anyone have a workaround for iOS devices, or is there any timeline for when it might become available?
Best Answer chosen by Michael_Torchedlo
I work for Salesforce support, and on internal enquiry, I found that this enhancement might make it in the 7.0 version of Salesforce1, but it is not yet confirmed. Present version is 6.0.1

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As of now, there is no timeline announced for iOS, and I cannot think of a good workaround. Let's wait for the Summer '15 release notes to come out.
That's what I was afraid of.  So much for a "unified mobile experience."
I work for Salesforce support, and on internal enquiry, I found that this enhancement might make it in the 7.0 version of Salesforce1, but it is not yet confirmed. Present version is 6.0.1
This was selected as the best answer
Thanks, I appreciate the answer.