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URL Hack Page Display Issue

Hey everyone,

I am having an issue with the way a page is displaying with a hacked URL.

I have a new button that overrides the old new opportunity button to prepopulate look up fields. 

Here is my button:


The issue I am having is with the page, it displays another salesforce inside of the existing salesforce page. If anyone has any ideas or work arounds to this that would be awesome! Thank you so much in advance.

Best Answer chosen by TTagg
You should select the Button Behavior as "Display in existing Window without sidebar and header". This should take care of it.

All Answers

Bhawani SharmaBhawani Sharma
On your custom button, Set Behavior = Dispaly in Existing window without sidebar.
You should select the Button Behavior as "Display in existing Window without sidebar and header". This should take care of it.
This was selected as the best answer
Awesome! Thank you guys for your help.