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Trigger to update custom object opportunity Id field
I am trying to add the opportunity object to this following code. I need the trigger to insert the opportunity Id (OppId__c) on the custom object Survey__c. This is what i have for my trigger code. Also, when i try filling out the survey I get the following error.
Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, Trigger_SurveyAfterInsert: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject Trigger.Trigger_SurveyAfterInsert: line 8, column 1: []
Error is in expression '{!insertSurvey}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page vf_sales_survey: Class.VFController_survey_opps.insertSurvey: line 44, column 1
trigger Trigger_SurveyAfterInsert on Survey__c (after insert) {
for(Survey__c event: System.Trigger.New){
List<Survey__c> lobjects;
string name;
lobjects = [select Id, Case__c, CaseId__c,Opportunity__c,OppId__c from Survey__c where Id=:event.Id];
if(lobjects.size() == 1){
Survey__c srv = lobjects[0];
Case cs = [select Id, AccountId, ContactId, Service_Provider__c from Case where Id=:srv.CaseId__c ];
Opportunity opp = [select Id, AccountId from Opportunity where Id=:srv.OppId__c ];
srv.Case__c = cs.Id;
srv.Contact__c = cs.ContactId;
srv.Account__c = cs.AccountId;
srv.Service_Provider__c = cs.Service_Provider__c;
srv.Opportunity__c = opp.Id;
update srv;
svr.Case__c = svr.CaseId__c;
Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, Trigger_SurveyAfterInsert: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject Trigger.Trigger_SurveyAfterInsert: line 8, column 1: []
Error is in expression '{!insertSurvey}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page vf_sales_survey: Class.VFController_survey_opps.insertSurvey: line 44, column 1
trigger Trigger_SurveyAfterInsert on Survey__c (after insert) {
for(Survey__c event: System.Trigger.New){
List<Survey__c> lobjects;
string name;
lobjects = [select Id, Case__c, CaseId__c,Opportunity__c,OppId__c from Survey__c where Id=:event.Id];
if(lobjects.size() == 1){
Survey__c srv = lobjects[0];
Case cs = [select Id, AccountId, ContactId, Service_Provider__c from Case where Id=:srv.CaseId__c ];
Opportunity opp = [select Id, AccountId from Opportunity where Id=:srv.OppId__c ];
srv.Case__c = cs.Id;
srv.Contact__c = cs.ContactId;
srv.Account__c = cs.AccountId;
srv.Service_Provider__c = cs.Service_Provider__c;
srv.Opportunity__c = opp.Id;
update srv;
svr.Case__c = svr.CaseId__c;
trigger Trigger_SurveyAfterInsert on Survey__c (before insert) {
Set<Id> setCaseIds = new Set<Id>();
for(Survey__c srv: =Trigger.New){
if (srv.caseId__c != null) setCaseIds.add(srv.caseId);
Map<Id, Case> mapCases = new Map<Id, Case>([select Id, AccountId, ContactId, Service_Provider__c from Case where Id in :setCaseIds]);
for(Survey__c srv: =Trigger.New){
if (mapCases.containsKey(srv.caseId__c)) {
Case c = mapCases.get(srv.caseId__c);
srv.Case__c = c.Id;
srv.Account__c = c.AccountId;
srv.Contact__c = c.ContactId;
srv.Service_Provider__c = c.Service_Provider__c;
if(srv.oppId__c != null) srv.Opportunit__c = srv.oppId__c;