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Picklist values disappearing
We have visualforce pages in SF which contain 3 picklists, see code below.
<apex:inputField value="{!newLead.Site_County_1__c}" />
Something strange is happening for these fields, when a user has the field populated and then opens the record to edit and save. the values have disppeared when they save it again.
Has this happened to anyone before?
Thanks for the help guys but I found the solution.
On our apex class I had the site_county_1__c set up as newLead.Site_County_1__c=newLead.Site_County_1__c
instead of newLead.Site_County_1__c=currLead.Site_County_1__c
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<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!savepage}"/>
When I removed "page", it resolved the issue completely!
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
Thanks for the help guys but I found the solution.
On our apex class I had the site_county_1__c set up as newLead.Site_County_1__c=newLead.Site_County_1__c
instead of newLead.Site_County_1__c=currLead.Site_County_1__c