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I can't have inputText within repeat?!!!!
VF page:
Error when saving the page:
Error: Unknown property 't'
What gives?!
public class TestRerenderController { public List<String> text { get; set; } public TestRerenderController() { text = new List<String>(); text.add('a'); text.add('b'); text.add('c'); } public void hi() { } }
VF page:
<apex:page controller="TestRerenderController" id="p"> <apex:form > <apex:repeat value="{!text}" var="t"> <apex:inputText value="{!t}"/><br/> </apex:repeat> <br/> <apex:commandLink action="{!hi}" value="Click me" reRender="p"/> </apex:form> </apex:page>
Error when saving the page:
Error: Unknown property 't'
What gives?!
A merge field that references the controller class variable that is associated with this field.
I'm just guessing but maybe because since "t" is not a variable (it's one item of a collection that's a variable) it's not working. Whereas when you use the wrapper it's a variable on the object.
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Today doesn't seem to be a good day..
A merge field that references the controller class variable that is associated with this field.
I'm just guessing but maybe because since "t" is not a variable (it's one item of a collection that's a variable) it's not working. Whereas when you use the wrapper it's a variable on the object.
To solve this type of problem