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Coral RacingCoral Racing 

Apex Class Error (Error: Compile Error: line 12:76 no viable alternative at character '‘' at line 12 column 76)?


I have written a trigger but I am now trying to unit test it.  However I am getting the following error message with my apex class.  Can anyone see what I have done wrong?

User-added image


Best Answer chosen by Coral Racing
Manually delete the  single quotes (') in line 12 and reenter it again from your kekboard.  I've seen this a few times where I cut and paste a single quote, but it's a differen type of single quote.  

All Answers

Manually delete the  single quotes (') in line 12 and reenter it again from your kekboard.  I've seen this a few times where I cut and paste a single quote, but it's a differen type of single quote.  
This was selected as the best answer
Shabbir ShaikShabbir Shaik

Declare one variable and assign your required email to this variable and change query like this,

public string emailvar='';

List<User> citrixuser=[select id,Name from User where email=:emailvar];

Try this...and if this helps, mark this as this as 'Best Answer'.
Coral RacingCoral Racing
Hi -  I deleted the single quotes and re-entered and worked just fine.   Very odd!!!

Thanks for the heads up!!!
