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Can you automate sending out an EchoSign document

I'm looking at automating an echosign document to be sent out for a signature.

The document template is already created (this will not need to be automated), I would like to send out this echosign templated document when an account has a specific value in a dropdown or checkbox.

I am trying to take out a lot of the manual work that has to be done.

Has anyone accomplished this before?  Can this be done in workflows, triggers or a combination?

Yes you can, by using "AUTOMATION AND BACKGROUND ACTIONS". Echo sign providing this functionality.

You can use workflow trigger to send out for a signature.

For detail please refer Echo Sign documentaion.

Onkar Kumar
Hi Onkar,

That sounds great - however I can't find any information on "Automation and Background Actions" in the documentation I have, do you have any more details around this?  Is this using the EchoSign API or directly with workflows?

Thanks for clarifying,

Hi Jason,

Please refere this document. Page No - 65

Onkar Kumar

Tim Shores 7Tim Shores 7
I'm also trying to automate sending an Agreement in background mode. I'd like to send it without user intervention any time a certain type of record is created or updated, meeting certain criteria. I'd also like to do this declaratively. So far, it seems this is not possible.

Page 65 of PDF Onkar referred to provides the same information as this document:

The relevant passage says:

"Through automatic workflows or triggers, Salesforce can automatically send a document for signature without additional user intervention. You can also set up trigger or workflows to send reminders and to delete, cancel, or update agreements automatically. To do so, you may need to allow users or workflows to send on behalf of another user."

Triggers, yes. But "automatic workflows" is a fib, or is at least an imprecise use of terminology.

To set up automation, you need an Agreement Template record where you configure:
  • master object
  • a file attachment that acts as a template of the document that will be signed (I prefer using ContentDocument but there are other options)
  • a form field template to map signature and other fillable fields on the file attachment (note that the form field template is configured on Adobe Sign management website, not in Salesforce)
  • recipients
  • merge mappings
  • data mappings
  • ability to auto send
  • ... other goodies
Once you have that Agreement Template, the following document tells us how to call the apex class to create a new Agreement from an Agreement Template:

Example, the following path will use the specific Agreement Template (the templateId parameter) to create an Agreement: 

This could be done using a button that a user clicks, or automated by using a trigger on the master object. echosign_dev1 apex classes don't have an invocable method, so you can't call them from declarative automation (Process Builder or Flow).

I'll now discuss with my team, to decide whether we want to do this with apex. Alternatively, my organization uses Skuid, we already have a Skuid wizard built for this specific use case, and Skuid will let me url-hack for days. The Agreement won't send if someone creates the record outside of Skuid... but that might be preferable in this use case. 

Have I overlooked another way to do this declaratively?
Tim Shores 7Tim Shores 7
Here's a healthy discussion of setting this up as a trigger:

Note that they're using echosign_dev1.AgreementTemplateService rather than echosign_dev1.AgreementTemplateProcess.