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Harshitha KudurHarshitha Kudur 

Manage Package checkmarx related issue

HI All,

We are planning to submit a manage package to salesforce. We are checking the security related issue using Checkmarx.

We are getting warning messages in Test methods for not using assert statement and multiple trigger on same object.

Will below warnings fail in the actual saleforce security review? 

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Sagar PareekSagar Pareek
Hi Harshitha,

This is the blog post which i recently published,after facing similar issues. :

I hope this will help you.

Sagar PareekSagar Pareek
Also make sure that you have only one trigger on each object and somewhere you have hardcoded Ids in the code so kindly remove them , happy publishing.
Hi Harshitha,

The shown issues are from the code quality filters, not the security filters, and will not be considered when performing the application review.

You should still fix the hardcoded Id issue however, because this functionality will likely break when you install in a new org.