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Enara Marcos
Bug in Winter 15 - example: pricebookentryId becomes null in an opportunitylineitem update in trigger before
Since Winter 15 was developed (this monday) in sandbox we have the following error in SF internal code, but not our code. We will explain you an example.
We have a controller class with pricebookentryid in an opportunitylineitem update. We triggered the update in opportunitylineitem with a value in pricebookentryid.
Then, opportunitylineitem before update trigger started without pricebookentryid (=null).
We have found out that when the code executes a line with an update on an opportunity line item in a controller class, right before the OpportunityLineItem Before Update trigger gets executed, the pricebookEntry value gets lost (it becomes null). That doesn't happen with other OpportunityLineItem fields nor any other objects.
We have not got this problem before and now in production there is not any problem about it. We haven't change the code. There is the same code in sandbox an production. The code was deployed to production and it works. This only happens in sandbox.
We have a controller class with pricebookentryid in an opportunitylineitem update. We triggered the update in opportunitylineitem with a value in pricebookentryid.
Then, opportunitylineitem before update trigger started without pricebookentryid (=null).
We have found out that when the code executes a line with an update on an opportunity line item in a controller class, right before the OpportunityLineItem Before Update trigger gets executed, the pricebookEntry value gets lost (it becomes null). That doesn't happen with other OpportunityLineItem fields nor any other objects.
We have not got this problem before and now in production there is not any problem about it. We haven't change the code. There is the same code in sandbox an production. The code was deployed to production and it works. This only happens in sandbox.