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Jorge Aquino @ AscentERPJorge Aquino @ AscentERP 

Using collection variables in a visual workflow Fast Lookup

I have a collection variable (parent_IDs) and I need to use that in the filter criteria of a Fast Lookup in visual workflow.  The Fast Lookup needs to create an sObject Collection of all Child records belonging to all Parents in parent_IDs.

In Apex I would be able to use a soql query such as, [select id,name from ChildObject where parentid in :parent_IDs], but I can't see a way to do the equivalent of this in visual workflow.

Without this capability, I am running into "Too many SOQL queries: 101".

Any ideas how I can accomplish this?
Deepak Kumar ShyoranDeepak Kumar Shyoran
It seems that you are using SOQL inside the for loop check your code especially DML which your firing and avoid them to be used inside a loop.