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Radhika pawar 5Radhika pawar 5 

I want checkbox1 is checked after save buttton message using jquery or javasript......

Hi Friends...
I have 3 checkboxes.
name like:- submit1 ,submit2, and submit 3.
When i select  submit1 (mean submit1 is selected  ) and click on saved button .
then After saved button it will show Popup Box Msg :- your submit1 is checked  and Do you want to Proceeds submit2 ??
Condition :-IF YES, Then I want 2nd submission again It will show  Pupup Box Msg your Submit2 is checked.
If No, Then Submission 3 is Automattically Checked.
Again submit2 is checked and clicked in saved button ,It will show message your Submission done Successfully.

Please Help me for this topic.....
Here is the way of checking a checkbox using jquery:

Let's say id of first button is "button1" to check this call the jquery as:


Akshay DeshmukhAkshay Deshmukh
provide id to checkboxes like ch1,ch2,ch3. get Checkbox by calling.
var chb1 = document.getElementById('document.ch1');

chb1.value= 'checked';

Hope above code helps you
Radhika pawar 5Radhika pawar 5
No i want to check on chekbox2 is there checkbox1 is checked.