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Idea Zone API Name

Hey guys,
I am writing a trigger to create a new record in Idea from an existing record in one of our custom objects. Here is my code:

trigger backToIdea on Idea_Lobby__c (after update) {
for (Idea_Lobby__c yourIdea : {

if (yourIdea.Approval__c == 'Approved')
        Idea backAgain      = new Idea();
        backAgain.Name__c   = yourIdea.Name__c;
        backAgain.Location__c = yourIdea.Location__c;
        backAgain.Company__c = yourIdea.Company__c;
        backAgain.Title = yourIdea.Name;
        backAgain.Body = yourIdea.Idea_Body__c;
        insert backAgain;
else if(yourIdea.Approval__c == 'Delete')
  Idea_Lobby__c y = new Idea_Lobby__c();
        y.Id = yourIdea.Id;
        delete y;

Since Zone is a required field, I get an error when the trigger fires. Does anyone know the API name for Zone in the Idea object, so I can set it when the new record is created?

Best Answer chosen by Btuitasi1
SonamSonam (Salesforce Developers) 
I suppose its the communityID which represents the Zone of the IDEA, as I understand from the follwoing docs:

All Answers

SonamSonam (Salesforce Developers) 
I suppose its the communityID which represents the Zone of the IDEA, as I understand from the follwoing docs:

This was selected as the best answer
Thanks! I figured it out. I went to the record profile of my internal zone and found the ID there. I then mapped that ID in my trigger.