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Seth PayneSeth Payne 

Error: Compile Error: List index must be of type Integer

Trying to create trigger to create a task when a date is filled in.  Here is what i have so far and getting the error above.

trigger CreateTaskonAnnualReport on Annual_Report__c (after update) {
    List<Task> newTasks = new List<Task>();
        for (Annual_Report__c ar : Trigger.isupdate()){
            //Creating Task to Matt Sutherland when Certificate Date is updated from null to any value, and he was the initial submitter
            if (Trigger.old[ar].Certificate_Date__c !=[ar].Certificate_Date__c
Thoughts on why I am getting this error or any ideas to improve?


Best Answer chosen by Seth Payne
Trigger.isUpdate is a boolean which indicates if this is an update operation.

Try the code below:

trigger CreateTaskonAnnualReport on Annual_Report__c (after update) {
    List<Task> newTasks = new List<Task>();
        for (Annual_Report__c ar :{
            //Creating Task to Matt Sutherland when Certificate Date is updated from null to any value, and he was the initial submitter
         if(ar.fieldname != trigger.oldmap.get({

//your logic here

All Answers

Trigger.isUpdate is a boolean which indicates if this is an update operation.

Try the code below:

trigger CreateTaskonAnnualReport on Annual_Report__c (after update) {
    List<Task> newTasks = new List<Task>();
        for (Annual_Report__c ar :{
            //Creating Task to Matt Sutherland when Certificate Date is updated from null to any value, and he was the initial submitter
         if(ar.fieldname != trigger.oldmap.get({

//your logic here

This was selected as the best answer
Seth PayneSeth Payne
Worked perfectly!
