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How to set CreatedById and CreatedDate for test class records?

Hey everyone,

I need to write a test class for a trigger that heavily involves the CreatedById and CreatedDate of a task. I can't input values for these fields in a test class, since they're not writeable.

How can I set the CreatedById and CreatedDate for the insertion of a task record in a test class?

Best Answer chosen by ChickenOrBeef
Big EarsBig Ears
As Sonam says above, you can set the "CreatedById" using the system.runAs() methods.

Also - As of Spring '16, you can now set the Created date of a record in test context with test.setCreatedDate(recordId, createdDatetime) (http://​

All Answers

SonamSonam (Salesforce Developers) 
I think you should be using runas() to create the test record with the createdBy Id of the run as user


Big EarsBig Ears
As Sonam says above, you can set the "CreatedById" using the system.runAs() methods.

Also - As of Spring '16, you can now set the Created date of a record in test context with test.setCreatedDate(recordId, createdDatetime) (http://​
This was selected as the best answer