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Mahu SimsMahu Sims 

Can the function occur before the button click?


I am creating a custom detail page button that needs to change color based on the data from our custom field. This is an onClick js button. 
The problem I am having is that the button does not change color until after the button is clicked, while i want this to occur as soon as the page is loaded.

Here is what I have so far:

var growth = '{!Contact.Orders_Growth_YOY_Change_User__c}'; 

(function() {
if(growth == ''){
var button = document.getElementsByName('check_contact_health')[0]; = 'url("';

alert("This contact has not begin to bill with Mimeo yet. There will be no growth data until contact has billed for at least 12 months");
else if(growth >=1){
(function() {
var button = document.getElementsByName('check_contact_health')[0]; = 'url("")';

alert("This contact's orders are currently growing. This contact's year over year order growth is equal to '{!Contact.Orders_Growth_YOY_Change_User__c}'");
else if(growth ==0){
(function() {
var button = document.getElementsByName('check_contact_health')[0]; = 'url("")';

alert("This contact's orders are currently the same as they were in the previous 12 months. This contact's year over year order growth is equal to '{!Contact.Orders_Growth_YOY_Change_User__c}'");

(function() {
var button = document.getElementsByName('check_contact_health')[0]; = 'url("")';

alert("This contact is currently at risk as the contact is ordering less than they did in the previous 12 months. This contact's year over year order growth is equal to '{!Contact.Orders_Growth_YOY_Change_User__c}'");

Thanks in advance for your help!
Do you see any JavaScript errors in the page?  What does this line:

var growth = '{!Contact.Orders_Growth_YOY_Change_User__c}';

look like when the page is rendered?  If you are starting out with an empty contact then this will be a blank string. 
Mahu SimsMahu Sims
If the string is blank the color of the button is gray, but the problem is that the button only turns gray after i click the button. I want the button to be gray as soon as the page is loaded.
Mahu SimsMahu Sims
earlier i used a base 64 encoder to turn my function into this code:
{!REQUIRESCRIPT("data:application/javascript;base64, KGZ1bmN0aW9uKCkgewp2YXIgYnV0dG9uID0gZG9jdW1lbnQuZ2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeU5hbWUoJ2NoZWNrX2NvbnRhY3RfaGVhbHRoJylbMF07CiAgYnV0dG9uLnN0eWxlLmJhY2tncm91bmQgPSAndXJsKCJodHRwOi8vdXBsb2FkLndpa2ltZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraXBlZGlhL2NvbW1vbnMvZC9kMC9Db2xvci15ZWxsb3cuSlBHIiknOwp9KCkpOw==")}
This turned my button yellow as soon as the page loaded however, i am not sure how to use this with the if/else statements to set conditions so that the button will change color based on the conditions.
This sounds like the JavaScript only executes when the button is clicked - does clicking the button force a page reload or similar?
Mahu SimsMahu Sims
Clicking the button produces an alert. I want the js to execute before the button is clicked though. Is there any way to do that?
There is, but much depends on why it isn't doing anything at present.  The JavaScript should execute as soon as it is encountered - is it at the top of the page?  It may be that the elements don't exist when it executes.